Rachel's Story

Meet Rachel.
Rachel is a high-level entrepreneur and a very creative businesswoman. She is involved in several different businesses, including a design and marketing company, a custom jewelry business, and a non-profit educational company. She works hard and brings a lot of energy to her work.
To the outside world, Rachel is a calm, confident leader who is very passionate about what she does.
Inside, Rachel was falling apart.
She reached out to see if I could help.
We spent some time doing a deep dive into her life.
The areas that energized her.
The areas that terrified her.
Rachel’s biggest fear was failing.
She was terrified that she will make the wrong business decision, and everyone will see her as an imposter. She was so afraid of this that she developed a Plan B, C, D and E for every strategy she implemented. She constantly second-guessed every decision she made, and although she projected an aura of calm confidence, she was in a state of constant anxiety.
Ironically, the more successful Rachel became, the more terrified and anxious she felt.
The pressure was killing her.
I decided to help Rachel with a combination of strategies.
First, we worked on challenging her thoughts, helping her see that these issues were taking place COMPLETELY within her own mind. There was no evidence whatsoever to justify her fears. We used powerful psychological tactics and tools to help her face her fears, challenge her thoughts, and reduce her anxiety.
Second, we looked at what energized Rachel.
She loved the creativity of new projects.
She thrived on the challenge of working through problems in innovative ways.
Her entrepreneurial skills were her greatest strength and her greatest source of energy and happiness.
So, we used them to help her.
Every time, Rachel experienced a moment of fear, she would immediately connect to the energy and excitement of a new project. As she practiced this and focused more and more on her strengths and the way they made her feel, the demons of her mind quieted down.
Soon Rachel was no longer just projecting an aura of calm confidence over her anxiety and fear.
She became calm and confident.
Rachel and her businesses became more and more successful.